


Rules for the seven types of skymetal are detailed below, along with the school of magic, virtue, and sin that Thassilonians associated with each. Unless otherwise noted, skymetal has hardness and hit points identical to that of steel. Items without metal parts cannot be made with skymetal.


Abysium: Known also as feverstone (a somewhat misleading name, as abysium is a metal like all the others), this glowing, blue-green substance can be a source of great energy. However, it also causes those who spend extended amounts of time near it to grow ill and die unless proper precautions are taken. Abysium is associated with conjuration magic, zeal, and sloth. Abysium functions as steel when used to craft weapons and armor, but anyone who carries or wears abysium arms or armor becomes sickened for as long as the gear is carried or worn, plus an additional 1d4 hours after it is removed. Likewise, a character in an area with heavy concentrations of abysium becomes sickened as long as he Temains in the area. This is a poison effect. In Thassilon, wealthy lords often built manacles or prison bars out of Abysium in order to keep their prisoners debilitated.

Weapons and armor made from abysium glow with an intensity equal to that of a candle. Scholars have long debated where the glow and associated sickening effect come from, but most agree that the source of the power comes from the Abyss itself, due to the nature of the energy contained in abysium. Pure or properly refined abysium produces this energy in a way that can be harnessed by arcane engines and technologies to generate energy sources strong enough to power extensive magical creations like golems, traps, or magical items the size of buildings. Most secrets of harnessing this power have long been lost, but as the Shattered Star Adventure Path continues, the PCs will have many chances to learn more about this dangerous technology.

Abysium can also be powdered and alchemically distilled with other rare catalysts and chemicals to form a much more potent toxin. It was in this form that the metal was most traditionally used in ancient Thassilon. A pound of Abysium is enough to make 1 dose of abysium powder.

Abysium Powder: Poison-ingested; save Fortitude DC 18; onset 10 minutes; frequency 1/minute for 6 minutes; effect 1d4 Con plus nausea; cure 2 saves; cost 900 gp.


Adamantine: The most commonly known starmetal, adamantine is extremely strong and favored by weapon and armor smiths alike for its ability to cut through solid barriers with ease and endure heavy blows. In ancient Thassilon, adamantine was most often associated with transmutation magic, generosity, and greed, for it was the most valuable of the skymetals (although not the rarest). Adamantine is detailed on page 154 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.


Djezet: One of the strangest of the seven known types of skymetal, rust-red djezet is liquid at all temperatures. This makes the metal relatively useless for crafting metal objects (although many gifted metallurgists, such as Xin himself, have had some success creating djezet alloys), but most who seek out this metal intend to use it instead as an additional material component for spellcasting, since it possesses an ability to enhance magic. Djezet is associated with enchantment magic, love, and lust. Used as an additional material component, a dose of djezet increases the effective level of a spell by +1, as if it were being modified by the Heighten Spell feat. In order to function as an additional material component, the spellcaster must use a number of doses of djezet equal to the spell's level-additional djezet used beyond this amount does nothing. Djezet costs 200 gp per dose.


Horacalcum: The rarest of the known skymetals, this dull, coppery substance warps time around it, making things seem to speed up or slow down. Horacalcum is associated with illusion magic, humility, and pride. Almost never found in amounts greater than a pound, horacalcum is the same weight and density as steel, but is much more durable. A weapon made of horacalcum gains a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls (ammunition can be made of horacalcum, but does not grant any bonus on attack rolls). An entire suit of armor made from this rare metal is fantastically expensive, but since a suit of horacalcum armor simultaneously allows its wearer to react more quickly while perceiving time more slowly, some consider the cost justifiable. A suit of light horacalcum armor grants a +1 bonus on Initiative checks, medium horacalcum armor grants a +2 bonus on Initiative checks, and heavy horacalcum armor grants a +3 bonus on Initiative checks. Weapons and armor made of horacalcum are always of masterwork quality-the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.

Weapons and armor made of horacalcum have one-fourth more hit points than normal. Horacalcum has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 15. A weapon made of horacalcum costs +6,000 gp. Light armor costs +10,000 gp, medium armor +30,000 gp, and heavy armor +60,000 gp.


Inubrix: This metal's structure allows it to pass through iron and steel without touching them, seemingly shifting in and out of phase with reality. This quality earned the pale metal the nickname "ghost iron." Inubrix is associated with necromancy magic, temperance, and gluttony. Inubrix is the softest of the solid skymetals, being only slightly less malleable than lead. It doesn't function well for crafting armor as a result, and though inubrix weapons can penetrate most metal armors with relative ease, the weapons tend to break easily. Inubrix has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 5. An inubrix weapon deals damage as if it were one size category smaller than its actual size, and is always treated as if it had the broken condition. It ignores all armor or shield bonuses granted by iron or steel armor or shields.

Inubrix weapons cannot damage these materials at all (and, by extension, cannot harm iron golems or similar creatures). An inubrix weapon costs +5,000 gp.


Noqual: Noqual looks almost like a pale green crystal to the untrained eye, but can be worked as iron despite its appearance. It is associated with abjuration magic, charity, and envy. Noqual is light-half as heavy as iron, yet just as strong. More importantly, noqual is strangely resistant to magic. An object made of noqual gains a +4 bonus on any saving throw made against a magical source. Creating a magic item that incorporates any amount of noqual into it increases the price of creation by 5,000 gp, as costly reagents and alchemical supplies must be used to treat the metal during the process.

Weapons made of noqual weigh half as much as normal, and gain a +1 enhancement bonus on damage rolls against constructs and undead created by feats or spells. Noqual armor weighs half as much as other armors of its type, and is treated as one category lighter than normal for the purposes of movement and other limitations (light armor is still treated as light armor, though). The armor's maximum Dexterity bonus increases by 2, and armor check penalties are reduced by 3. The armor's spell failure chance increases by 20% and applies to all magic cast while wearing the armor, regardless of the magic's source or class abilities possessed by the wearer. The wearer of a suit of noqual armor gains a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities.

Noqual has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. Noqual ore is worth 50 gp per pound. A suit of noqual light armor costs +4,000 gp, medium armor +8,000 gp, and heavy armor +12,000 gp. A shield costs +2,000 gp, and a weapon or other item +500 gp.


Siccatite: This shining silver metal is either incredibly hot or freezing cold when found. Siccatite is associated with evocation magic, wrath, and kindness. As of yet, scholars have not determined whether siccatite is actually two similarly hued metals or a single type that determines its own temperature via some unknown process. When raw siccatite is found, it has a 50% chance of being hot siccatite; otherwise, it's cold siccatite. Physical contact with siccatite deals 1 point of energy damage each round (either fire or cold, as appropriate). Hot siccatite can eventually ignite objects, and cold siccatite in water quickly surrounds itself with a 1-foot-thick shell of ice. A weapon made of siccatite deals +1 point of damage of the appropriate energy type each time it strikes a foe, but also deals 1 point of the same energy damage to the wielder each round it is used in combat. Likewise, siccatite armor deals 1 point of energy damage per round to a creature wearing it, and deals 1 point of energy damage each full round a creature is grappled by someone wearing siccatite armor. Cold siccatite armor grants fire resistance 5, while hot siccatite armor grants cold resistance 5ยท (The type of armor does not alter the amount of resistance granted.) Weapons made of siccatite cost +1,000 gp. Armor made of siccatite costs +6,000 gp.

Adventure Path and Module specific information © Paizo.

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