Session 05: June 03, 2018

Ants Amore!

  • Mersit Of The Raging Tree, catfolk swashbuckler/rogue ..... Aaron Collins
  • Taarn, kellid barbarian ..... Mick Hodorek
  • Ashen, elf bladebound magus ..... Mike Horrigan
  • Rupert Silvermoon, elf wizard ..... Jonathan Hood
  • Esdar (Dar) Aerril, half-elf cleric ..... Alex Nutall

We've gone down the stairs (after the snot check) and come to the western entrance of a large room with pillars. There's also lots of dirt mounds blocking our view though not quite packed to the ceiling (which is 15 feet high). The mounds are 8-10 feet high - looking like something burrowed up from below not from the ceiling (which looks fine). We all see some niches cut into the walls and a corridor leading east. As we move into the room the room to investigate, giant ants come out to attack.

  • Mersit: readies
  • Ashen: readies
  • Ant 1: attacks Taarn
  • Taarn; attacks ant01, hits then rages and attacks again but misses.
  • <More ants come out - Ants2-5>
  • Rupert: Magic Missiles an ant.
  • Esdar: Spell of joy (9 rounds)
  • Mersit: chugs Haste potion (using Mythic) then attacks Ant5 and puts it down. Then he damages Ant3 (5 rounds for the haste)
  • Ashen: Two slashes to damage Ant4
  • Ant1: attacks but misses Taarn
  • Rupert: MMs for some damage
  • Ant2: Moves toward Taarn, Esdar and Rupert; damages Taarn
  • Ant3: misses Mersit
  • Ant4: Moves and attacks Ashen but misses;
  • Esdar: Hits ant2 and kills it; 

  • Mersit: finishes off Ant3;  moves next to Ant4 and does damage
  • Ashen: Moves to flank and kills Ant4
  • Taarn: overkills Ant1 with excessive damage
  • Mersit moves and hears a sound on top of the southern mound. He climbs up and once on top, a secret door opens and some mites come through. The mites talk to each other but we do not recognize the language. As usual, we assume hostiles.
  • Ashen: moves up to ready an attack;
  • Mite moves up gets hit by Ashen;
  • Taarn moves and readies an attack;
  • Rupert move up and readies an attack with sword
  • Mite6 moves up gets hit by Taarn; 
  • Mites1 moves up and get crit hit by Rupert; misses the wizard
  • Mite3 moves up and hits Rupert
  • Esdar: moves up the mound next to Mersit; attacks Mite6 with sad (Mersit side eyes the cleric)
  • Mite2: flanks Esdar but miss
Mite Makes Rite
  • Mersit: gets blood lust and drops three mites
  • Ashen hurts Mite1
  • Taarn: attacks and damages Mite2
  • Rupert: used sword and kills Mite3
  • Esdar: attacks MIte2 and it drops dead


Mersit and Rupert drop their backpacks climb through the secret entrances which is a tight tunnel (fine for mites). We come to a small room with no one inside but cheap mite tools (hammers and chisels). We go through another tunnel leading east that opens out to a raised section in the middle of  stairs going north (up) and south (down). There's also an unhealthy amount of cobwebs around (slightly vibrating). M & R retreat back to the mounds to report.

Rupert takes out the shard to get our next direction: south and downward. Before we leave, we do a search of the "mound" room. We don't find anything significant but  Esdar finds a secret door on the southern wall. Rupert goes in to check it out and finds that it leads to the cobwebby room that Mersit and Taarn had found earlier.

Taarn and Ashen check out the eastern corridor and see that it leads south as well. We decide to go that route instead of the secret door route. We move southward until we come to a landing at the top of a set of stairs. As we look around, we find another secret door leading to that cobwebby middle area. We continue on our original southern direction down the stairs (from which we can see an area open up with more pillars and webs in a trash strewn room).

We go down to the bottom of the stairs - we see more of the room. Taarn moves into the room, the webbing  bugging him… as he moves in the room explodes with enemies! Mites and Spiders!


  • Mite1: climbs onto Spider1
  • Taarn: Rages and attacks the spider (with Mite mount); killing the arachnid… The mite sinks to the ground
  • Ashen: Moves up to dig through the goo and attacks the mite (crit!); 
  • Mite2: retreats to talk to Mite 7
  • Esdar: Move up ; flings icicle at Mite1;
  • Rupert: finally unleashes the fireball into a group of Mites; burning most of the mites dead and clearing the cobwebs
  • Spider2: webs the Taarn but he avoids immobilization
  • Mersit: uses Cloak to vanish and moves behind the spider.
  • Taarn: Moves up and smashes the spider into goo; then swings at the last Mite… destroying it.


After wiping up Mite-stuff off our weapons, we move to the west until we come to another set of stairs. We go down to the bottom and see it split into corridors going west and south.

Rupert discerns we need to go southwest so that was useful but we continue south for now. The webbing is getting thicker in these parts so Taarn leads the way by burning away the webbing with a torch. We eventually come to a large room where the webbing is so thick that even Taarn can't burn it all away. We light another torch so Mersit can help Taarn burn a path (a ten foot path) . We go forward another 30 feet when more spiders drop down surprising us. Ick.

Surprise: The spider bites Esdar who succumbs to STR poison; They also try to bite Rupert but they miss.


  • Mersit: Attacks Spider1: misses and then hits for damage.
  • Taarn; Moves into a web square; burning it away then dropping his torch; he hits Spider2 successfully.
  • SPider2: attacks Ashen, misses then tries to escape but is hit by Taarn, killing it.
  • Rupert: move back and fires some force missiles.
  • Esdar: Charge off the lightning rod against Spider 1 hitting it to death.


Esdar is still suffering from the poison and losing STR rapidly.

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