The Fuge Plane, Part II

The Fugue Plane (Part II)

The Fugue Plane (Part II)

Once again you find yourselves on a grey featureless plane that stretches on, seemingly forever. Each of you is wearing your idealized outfit; Taarn in the simple clothes of a Kellish barbarian with Tenebris in hand, Mersit in dashing sailor clothing, Rupert in scholars clothes, Esdar in a flowing robe tied about the waist with sandals and Ashen dressed like an aristocrat—the shadow of a large sword hangs from his belt with wisps of shadow flowing from it to an equally shadowy humanoid figure, head bowed, that stands just behind and to the side.

You are arranged in a semi-circle roughly 10' in radius, facing what looks like a featureless humanoid figure composed entirely of fog, its head bent forward. On the opposite side of this figure is a beautiful woman with auburn hair wearing a courtly gown. She appears to be taking this all in—including recognition at seeing you five.


The featureless figure in front of you raises its head and speaks in a voice that is a melange of speakers, young, old, male, female yet conveys meaning and…the cold touch of the grave. “I am glad you seven are here.” With that it raises its arm and points at each of you five, the woman and the shadowy figure. “There is much you should know and little time to tell.”

“First, let me say that what happened to you was not my fault. I could not have foreseen this particular chain-of-events those many millenia ago.” it clasps its left hand around its right wrist and continues. “The secrets hidden at Kaer Maga hold power and knowledge long forgotten before even I was born.” it pauses for a moment, looks down then back up once again. “Alas, the Alara'hai…that is, the Seven Swords of Sin were a direct result of my not paying better attention to the children.”

It lets go its wrist and points directly at the woman. “If she is the instrument by which this chain-of-events began, you six are its catalyst!” At which point it points back across your semi-circle. “She collected the seven swords and brought them to that place of power. You broke the restraining crystals allowing all of their energy to be released when your magical duels forced the controlling orb to overload and flood your bodies…” it pauses and nods at the shadowy figure “Pardon my misspake” it gives its head a shake to the right then continues. “…your entities with the artifact energies those blades contained, ascending each of you without your knowledge or petition. This makes you seven somewhat of an anomaly to the divine beings that normally control such ascensions.”

At this point it looks off to its far right and snaps its head forward again. “Ah, they have found us. Time is short. Find the next two shards and complete the trials by defeating the guardians. You will need to work together. We will meet again then. Go! Now!”

With that you return to yourselves.

Adventure Path and Module specific information © Paizo.

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March 10th, 2019

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