Shard of Greed

Shard of Greed SHARD OF GREED (Major Artifact)

Aura overwhelming transmutation; CL 25th
Slot none; Weight 1 lb.


The Shard of Greed is made of black adamantine (a skymetal). As long as the Shard of Greed is carried, its owner can use haste as a spell-like ability once per day, gains a +2 insight bonus on saves versus transmutation spells, and gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls.

Curse: The owner becomes greedy, and is sickened whenever she is not wearing at least 500 gp per Hit Die in non magical jewelry and fine clothing. Each time the owner sells a belonging or gives one away, she must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage.

Neutralization: The curse is neutralized once a pale blue rhomboid ioun stone is placed in the indentation. As soon as one is placed it fuses with the shard and becomes the same material. All benefits of both the shard and ioun stone are active as long as it is carried (even in a Handy Haversack).

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March 10th, 2019

Session Notes from February and March 2019 Session Notes (by Aaron) ...