Session Notes January 13th, 2019

Session Notes January 13th, 2019

Continuing Developments

I have left out any details of what the PCs have done, mostly due to a foggy memory. Without notes taken during game to draw from, I will provide the scaffolding of where you went and what was there but skip the narrative. I realize it is gigantic pain in the butt, which is why I tried recording for a while with hopes of transcribing—impossible without dedicated voice pickup. If anyone has electronic notes or would like to take them, that would be great.

Troglodyte Caverns

“The Children of Zevgavizeb are in bad shape—they've suffered greatly in the escalation of violence with the boggards, primarily as a result of the intervention of the Gray Maidens giving the boggards excellent tactical advice on how to defeat the troglodytes. Ever since their latest grisly defeat, the troglodytes have remained here in their cave, hunkered down as they try to regroup and rebuild their bravery for a second attack on the boggards. The tribe's chieftain and all of his young have been killed, leaving the caves in a terrible state of disarray—there is no plan for an organized defence of the chambers, so aggressive PCs can simply fight their way through the chambers and proceed on into the caverns below the Lady's Cape without worrying that the troglodytes will make a coordinated defence.”

The caves themselves, though, are exceedingly foul smelling—all saving throws made to resist troglodyte stench while in these caves take a -4 penalty as a result. The troglodytes rely on darkvision to navigate the caves, and therefore the s e chambers remain completely dark. Water drip s from the walls to gather in frequent puddles on the floor, with ceiling heights averaging at 7 feet in tunnels and 15 feet in the caverns themselves. Unless otherwise noted in the text, all of the troglodytes in these caves are armed and armoured as specified, and carry 2d4 tiger-eye gemstones worth 10 gp each.

Cave Entrance

“A wide cave entrance opens in the side of a rocky hillside here. The cave's exterior shows clear signs of habitation, with much foot traffic in and out of the entrance, which has been barricaded crudely with mounds of brush and branches between spots of live thicket. The interior is dark, and a deeply unpleasant odour issues forth like the exhalation of some carrion-fed beast.”

troglodyte barbarians

The troglodytes made a half-hearted attempt to barricade the entrance to their cave—while the mound of branches and uprooted shrubbery won't block intrusions into the cave for long, it does make the first 15 feet into the cave entrance difficult terrain. Perhaps more importantly, a successful DC 15 Perception check is enough for a PC to notice the reek of oil among the barricade—the branches have been soaked in lantern oil. (The stink of the cavern imparts a -10 penalty on this check for any creature that doesn't have the scent ability.)


Trap: To casual observation, this large cavern may look empty and unremarkable, but a keen eye notes that the ground lacks any puddles. In fact, the "ground" is a thin layer of woven reeds covered with a layer of dirt to make it look solid—this mat covers a large pit that takes up much of the central area. The reed mat is held up by 10-foot-high stakes driven into the dirt floor, which is lined with hundreds of smaller sharpened stakes, all poisoned with spider venom. The pit's simplicity is such that there's really nothing to disable with this trap—if the PCs notice it, they can either avoid it by staying near its edges while crossing the room, or simply climb down into the pit and move slowly through its field of spikes. A character can move through the spikes at half speed—if he moves at full speed, 1d4 spikes make attacks against him as he passes through the area.

Pit Trap:
Type mechanical; Perception DC 16; Disable Device
Trigger location; Reset manual
Effect 10-foot-deep pit (1d6 falling damage); Reflex DC 20 avoids; pit spikes (Atk +10 melee, 1d4+2 spikes per target for 1d4+2 damage each plus Medium spider venom); multiple targets (all targets who step into the pit's area).

Medium Spider Venom
Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 14
Frequency 1/round for 4 rounds
Effect 1d2 Str damage; Cure 1 save

Devastated Nursery

“The ground in this cavern is a slimy mess of mud and fungus. Several trampled mud nests mixed with fragments of leathery eggs lie around the room.”

During the most recent attack against the boggards, while this cavern was left relatively unguarded, a small group of boggards crept in here and smashed all of the troglodyte eggs—an assault that has done more to demoralize the troglodytes than anything else.

troglodyte fighters

Creatures: Two groups of four troglodytes argue bitterly here (Perception DC 19 to hear the argument from D1. Cave Entrance)—bickering over whether it's a better idea to stay here under Uggilo's protection or whether they should abandon the cave and flee east into the Mushfens to start a new tribe. The argument is in Draconic, and is easy to hear—the troglodytes here take a -4 penalty on Perception checks. If they spot the PCs, two of the troglodytes hiss in rage and attempt to escape to area D6 to alert their master, Uggilo. If the PCs block the main exit, these two squeeze through the narrow northern tunnel (which may slow them down enough for the PCs to catch them). The other two troglodytes stand their ground and fight, the other four surrender and beg for mercy in Draconic.

Development: If one of the troglodytes surrenders and begs for mercy, it is a nervous creature named Sulgesh. He's lost his faith in Zevgavizeb, and now wants nothing more than to escape into the Mushfens to the east to find a new life and, if possible, a new mate (his current mate is a prisoner of the boggards). If the PCs can communicate with Sulgesh, the troglodyte reveals much of the tribe's recent ordeal; you can use him to encourage the PCs to take out Uggilo or to indicate to them that the troglodytes in area D4, if cured, could become allies. If the PCs ask Sulgesh for advice on how to reach the Lady's Light, he admits that there's a tunnel in the back of these caves that leads there, but warns that the way is guarded by a nest of "giant snapping grabber bugs" (the solifugids), which are quite adept at eating troglodytes. He goes on to further state that the boggards have some sort of "magic juice" they use to make the grabber bugs docile.

The troglodytes have tried many times to duplicate this juice, but failed every time and eventually just cultivated the dangerous fungi to serve as a barricade against grabber bug invasions. At your discretion, Sulgesh might agree to accompany the PCs as a minion—despite his chaotic evil ways, Sulgesh (as with the troglodytes in area D4) is ready for a change of heart, and given the right support, could eventually be redeemed.

Fever Victims

“The floor in this cavern is slightly sunken, forming a shallow pool of filthy water. Mounds of swamp plants and branches are heaped here-and-there to form crude, nest like beds.”

Creatures: Once the primary sleeping quarters for the tribe, this room is now used to house the sick and dying. The bulk of the (barely) surviving troglodyte tribe can be found here—there are 14 troglodytes suffering from filth fever sprawled about this room. The troglodytes are all in the late stages of the sickness, and are in no condition to defend themselves—all are essentially helpless, as they all possess enough Dexterity damage to effectively immobilize them. Without any kind of outside assistance, they will all perish within 24 hours.

Every full minute a PC who's currently suffering any amount of hit point damage is in this room, she must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save to avoid accidentally exposing her wounds to filth fever—which is thick indeed in this room's occupants and furnishings.

Filth Fever
Type disease, injury; Save Fortitude DC 12
Onset 1d3 days; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves

Shrine to Zevgavizeb

“An overwhelming reptilian stench mixes with the foul putrescence of rotting flesh in this cave. Between two rocky outcroppings, both smeared with blood, are the remains of a foul ritual—heaps of decaying limbs, bones, and viscera. A symbol depicting a spiralling clawed tentacle has been crudely carved into the rock on the right.”

This room was once the chieftain's chamber, but since his death it's been converted into the tribe's shrine to their cruel demon-god Zevgavizeb (which was previously located in area D4). A successful DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check reveals this fact—while casual observation is enough to reveal that many of the remains that have been offered here are not of boggards or animals, but of troglodytes.

The rocky outcroppings serve as an altar. Searching through the filth and decay heaped between them exposes the searcher to filth fever if the searcher has any hit point damage (see Core Rulebook, pg 557). Moving through the heap requires a DC 20 Fortitude save to avoid being 'sickened' for 1 minute.

troglodyte guards

Creatures: The last remaining authority figure among the tribe is the cleric Uggilo. He dwells here, and has spent the days of late praying fervently for Zevgavizeb's intervention against the boggards , periodically offering up a sick troglodyte from area D4 as a sacrifice. Uggilo is greatly feared by the other troglodytes, who believe him to be the immortal son of their demonic god—for how else could Uggilo have lived this long in the face of boggard aggression when other champions and even the tribe's chieftain did not?

giant alligator

Uggilo is attended by two fanatical troglodytes who believe that their servitude to the cleric will earn them special roles in the afterlife, but Uggilo's closest companion is an enormous alligator he raised from a hatchling. The alligator is nameless but loyal, and is never far from Uggilo's side in this chamber. The two troglodytes maintain posts near the entrance to this cavern, hidden against the walls—if they notice any intruders, they shriek a warning and step out to attack the PCs before the intruders can fully enter the room, giving Uggilo time to cast his two preparatory spells before combat (if the cleric has not already been warned of the intrusion).


Treasure: The troglodyte tribe's now-dead chieftain kept a stash of treasure in this room behind a rock in a cleverly hidden hollow in the westernmost corner. A PC can discover this niche with a successful DC 25 Perception check. Inside are a small stack of pearls (a dozen in all, each worth 500 gp), a jade unholy symbol of Zevgavizeb worth 150 gp, a masterwork bolas, and a lens of detection (the magical nature of which went unnoticed by the chieftain).

Back Tunnel Entrance

“A crude fence of tree branches lashed together by lengths of sinew blocks the entrance to this cavern. Beyond the fence, the chamber is filled with all manner of strangely coloured fungal growths.”

The profusion of fungi in this chamber helps to obscure the 4-foot-high entrance to the tunnel leading north—noticing this tunnel requires a successful DC 18 Perception check because of the fence that blocks easy entry along the southern entrance. This fence can be torn down quickly (or smashed through with a successful DC 14 Strength check)it exists primarily to prevent the dangerous fungi within the cave from wandering south into the troglodyte caverns. The cave to the north leads further in.

violet fungus

Creatures: Among the fungi in this room are three violet fungi, kept here by the troglodytes as deterrents to anything (particularly solifugids) that might try to wander into the caves from the northern route. Mindless, the fungi do not attempt to pursue foes south unless the fence is destroyed or they are attacked from the far side of it.

Warriors Pyre

“The air in this long cavern is much drier than elsewhere, and the thick tang of smoke fills every breath. A large fire pit burns brightly to the north.”

Once a communal feasting cavern, this room now serves the troglodytes as a place to burn their dead. Since the boggards have been using filthy weapons deliberately caked in diseased sludge, many troglodytes who survived the battle against the frogs ended up growing sick with 'filth fever'—those who die are dragged here for disposal.

troglodyte rangers

Creatures: Six troglodytes are gathered around a pyre where the corpse of a seventh who recently died of 'filth fever' is being burned in a funeral ceremony. The troglodytes are chanting and croaking morosely as their fallen kin burns, giving them a -2 penalty on Perception checks. Cornered, they fight to the death.

Session Notes (by Aaron)


  • Mersit Of The Raging Tree, catfolk swashbuckler/rogue ..... Aaron Collins
  • Taarn, kellid barbarian ..... Mick Hodorek
  • Ashen, elf bladebound magus ..... Mike Horrigan
  • Rupert Silvermoon, elf wizard ..... Jonathan Hood
  • Esdar (Dar) Aerril, half-elf cleric ..... Alex Nuttall

Continuing The Saga

Recap: entering the land of the trogs.

Post battle: one trog bleeding out. The cavern is drippy and slightly moldy.... What to do?

Esdar does a healing burst (leaving out the trog). We decide we don't need any trogs. We debate how to approach the trogs—Ashen is particularly against dealing with them; Taarn seems to want to "wipe them out... All of them." type of approach.

Rupert hears some voices from the north (not sure from the east or the west). Rupert advances to northeast until he sees the back of trog. It appears that there are two different factions (Zev and ???) one follows a demonlord? The others are leaving. Then Rupert's light is noticed.


  • ROUND 1Rupert: “If you want to stop dying for your demon lord, lay down your arms and parlay.” Two reactions: some say 'woo hoo', the others say 'blashphemy'; Ashen: gives us a quick rundown on what he heard then he moves up next to Rupert; Esdar: moves up to Rupert, throws Gozreh's Trident—lightning at the trog; Mersit: Moves to the trog and tries to calm him down but...; Taarn: Charges up the left side, avoiding a pit trap, then decapitates the trog...; Trogs: announce some fleeing that should be killed, others come near us threatening.

  • ROUND 2Rupert: Casts scorching rays at more dumb Trogs; Ashen: moves to the north, ready spell combat; Esdar: 'spell of joy'; Mersit: Takes +2 from SoJ, moves to the east and finishes off the trog that got 'scorched'; Taarn: Moves to northeast passage to some trogs trying to get away. Hits hard on T1 and when T2 continues to run, he hits him as well; Trog1: Runs to the boss and gets hit by Taarn as he flees; Trog2: Attacks Taarn and does some little damage.

  • ROUND 3Rupert: "Who is the boss?" he asks the trogs remaining. "He's a cleric of Zevgavizeb…with a giant crocodile." He then moves up towards the northern passage with seems to have prone bodies (Trog?); Ashen: Moves toward Taarn then pass Trog1 to almost to Trog2—he sees a mass grave area (bloody). He also see a reed-like barrier on the side of the cavern; Esdar: Moves up to Trog1 and zaps him; Mersit: moves north to what looks like an infirmary for sick and dying Trogs—stench! He moves back to Rupert and describes the scene; Taarn: moves past the Trog1 and runs down Trog2 hitting him hard, dropping him to the ground; Trog1: looks around and sees Esdar and attacks; Trog Cleric: deep deep roar…Ashen hears "We'll delay them you get ready." He can also see the giant croc.

  • ROUND 4Rupert: Moves northeast toward Esdar and Trog1 who missed on AoO, He continues northward; Ashen: Moves closer to the desecrated sacrifice area, Readies an action; Esdar: Hits the trog1, knocking him to the ground, then moves north; Mersit: Moves double move to next to Taarn; Trog3: moves closer to us. Ashen hears chanting behind a column!; Taarn: fleet charges to the croc, Trog4 misses him, attacks the croc hitting it, then continues hitting until it's dead;

  • ROUND 5Rupert: casts fireball at the two Trogs (3 & 4); Ashen: goes north over the sacrificial pit (almost puking), But he's fine! He keeps moving and sees the chanting cleric, Readies to attack; Esdar: Moves close to the trogs and casts Lightning Lord; Mersit: Takes 'SoJ' for 'speed' and moves to Trog4, hitting it for some damage; TrogCleric: unholy will effect to Ashen and Taarn, he then is 'enbiggened': he attacks Ashen but the attack bounces off Ashen's arcane shield…; Trog3: moved and attacks Mersit but misses; Taarn: Moves to attack the TrogCleric, getting hit on the way in, he also makes a FORT save against some mace effect, hits some kind of shell; Trog4: Moves and attacks Esdar but clangs off his armour.

  • ROUND 6Rupert: Drops a fireball on the two trogs; Ashen: shifts next and tries arcana theft, to transfer the 'enbiggen' spell, He is large (righteous might). WTF; Esdar: Moves closer to TrogCleric and casts searing light but misses on SR; Mersit: 'SoJ—speed', fleet charge to get multiple attacks, narrowly avoiding stuns, the Cleric falls unconscious; Taarn: finishes off the cleric.


Ashen shrinks back to normal. We heal and search the area. We find a hidden niche with some stuff inside.

Niche: Pearls x 12 (500gp each), Jade unholy symbol of Zevgavizeb (100 gp), Bolas—masterwork, Lens of detection (Rupert takes them).
TrogCleric: Scroll of cure mod wounds, Scale Mail +1, +2 Thunder and Quake Heavy Mace.
Trog bodies: 10 large tiger-eye gems (100 gp each), 6 small tiger-eye gems (10 gp each).

Esdar goes to sanctify the sacrificial pit. He seems something odd in the pile—he goes in and drags out some strange body part. Rupert comes over to identify... Manticore.

Rupert and Mersit go to talk to the Trogs who surrendered. They enter the area with the 4 surrendered trogs—when we show the head of Uggilio, they cheer and proclaim they just want to leave. They describe some of the defences (some kind of juice we can get from the Bogards who are working with the fucking metal bitches). The trogs were also being sacrificed.

Are you good at getting herbs?

Trogs: "We can't stay here because the Boggards will slaughter us." Central area guarded by Solofugids, spider-crab things—the bogards have a juice that controls the spiders.

Ashen: goes to investigate the gate he saw. He sees a passageway that turns northward. A chamber with fungal growths takes up the area. As he walks by the fungal spores attack with tendrils. He gets almost heavily 'necrotized'—drained in attributes STR and CON… They are violet fungus… Ashen dimension door's to a safe area. Goes to Taarn and warns him to close the gate. Taarn runs to close the gate and re-lashes.

Rupert explains the terms with the trogs: 1) let them leave, 2) make a economic deal where we have to deal with Bogards 3) kill them all? We favour letting them leave. We can't do much for the trogs with 'filth fever'—the cleric will let them die (Mersit sees a typical uncaring cleric of Gozreh).

The 4 trogs bring us to another group of trogs around a campfire—filled with smoke. The 4 trogs announce that "We can leave". The Campfire trogs raise their arms and agree to leave. Esdar has a change of heart and goes to try to help (stays sickened) but they are too far gone. He asks Taarn if he'd finish them off but the barbarian sees no point in it. Ashen says he does not care at all. Esdar thinks he should finish them all off but walks away knowing they'll die within 24 hours. Mersit is heartbroken about it.

We move to the gate blocking the way to the violet fungus.


Thunder and Quake

A thunder and quake weapon creates a low rumble (like thunder in the distance) upon a successful strike delivering +1d6 sonic damage. On a critical hit, the weapon makes a louder thunder-like clap and has a few additional effects;

  • first: the weapon does an additional +1d10 sonic damage, plus an additional 1d10 for every critical multiplier above x2;
  • second: the target must make a Foritude save with a DC = (5 + total damage rolled) or be stunned for 1 round;
  • third: against inanimate objects (including the ground), this extra damage is doubled and ignores hardness;
  • last: if the weapon strikes a surface, a 15' conical shockwave radiates outwards creating a minor earthquake in the area that can trip creatures. Attempt a single combat manoeuvrer check with a CMB = (10 + total damage rolled) and apply the result against the CMD of every creature in the area. If your roll equals or exceeds a creature's CMD, that creature is knocked prone. This trip attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Unlike with a regular trip attack, you can trip any creature touching the ground, regardless of size. Though the earthquake is small and focused on the surface, if the area is particularly unstable, the spell might cause items to topple, stones to shake loose from the walls or ceiling, and so on at the GM's discretion.

This may only be placed on bludgeoning melee weapons.

Construction Requirements: CL 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armour, sound burst, tremor blast; Cost: +3 Bonus.

Adventure Path and Module specific information © Paizo.

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March 10th, 2019

Session Notes from February and March 2019 Session Notes (by Aaron) ...