Session 01: March 11, 2018

Once more into the breach.

  • Mersit Of The Raging Tree, catfolk swashbuckler/rogue ..... Aaron Collins 
  • Taarn, kellid barbarian ..... Mick Hodorek 
  • Ashen, elf bladebound magus ..... Mike Horrigan 
  • Rupert Silvermoon, elf wizard ..... Jonathan Hood 
  • Esdar (Dar) Aerril, half-elf cleric ..... Alex Nutall 

We begin again... 
We are dragging Natalia through the streets of Magnamar when we are challenged by some ruffians (3 goons on the street, 1 tower girl on the roof) who claim N belongs to them. "She's ours - leave her and leave in peace"  
We disagree. 

Girl on roof fires and misses on Taarn. 
  • M: Runs and climbs the side of the building then mythic fleet charge to hit the girl. 
  • T: Charges in with Rage and mythic fleet. He destroys two of the goons then intimidates the third until the goon shits himself. 
  • A: Moves and shoots an arrow into tower girl 
  • R: Magic missiles tower girl until she falls off the roof to the cobblestone ground dead. 
  • Goon #3: "I give up! I don't work for Tower Girls no more."

We accept his surrender. We have him disrobe to skivvies (dropping his weapon and armor) then we let him leave. 
Loot:  Tower Girl 
5 potions (3 - cure light wounds; 2 - lesser restoration) 
Smoke stick 
2 tangle foot bags 
M chain shirt 
M Hand Cross bow 
M Short sword 
M Whip 
Climber's Kit 
Grappling Hook 
2nd Story Harness 
Silk Rope 
Silver Holy Symbol of Sarenrae 
Thieves' Tool 
4 pp; 170 gp 
3 chain mail 
3 light shield 
3 light cross b 
50 bolts 
3 morning stars 
160 gp 

Taarn puts all but the soiled chain mail into his portable hole. (BTW it is established that Rupert wrapped the Natalia Stick in a clothe safely) 
We are back to our hotel to clean up before heading to Heidmarch Manor for our reward (1000 gp). 
Some awkwardness as the concierge says, "Hey that's Natalia" when he sees the cleric dragging the woman's unconscious body through the hotel lobby. Esdar kinda freezes and says "It's ok. I'm a cleric." 
More awkwardness. 
"I'm going to heal her." And he smiles. 

The concierge asks for a barmaid to go up with Esdar to help. Esdar waits outside his room while this happens. She'll be ok. 
The rest of the team go to their respective rooms to clean up themselves - Esdar uses Mersit's room to shower. 
Everyone goes back down to have boar and brandy except for Esdar who eats his rations in his room (next to the tied-up unconscious Natalia - not creepy at all) 
The team recounts the adventures and wonders why Esdar is so standoff-ish. 

Next Day: 
We gather up Natalia (still knocked out) and head to the Pathfinder Lodge (the Manor) (N carried by T). We are greeted by Aldus the butler ("You've found the person that my mistress was seeking!").  
We ask for drinks and wait. A huge gorilla (8.5 foot) comes in carrying a server tray with a variety of drinks. "Here. Drinks." T thinks the gorilla is a type of creature that comes from a place where a giant weapon (earth shatterer?) is located. 
Sheila meets us (in her sultry voice) and sees that we were successful. T volunteers that N was crazy to think she could beat us.  
There is a crash in the kitchen: "Mandaley are you making lunch again?" Sheila asks. The reply from the gorilla: "Damn these things are small!" (referring to dishes?)

Esdar says she had the item on her (a crooked rod type thing). Rupert pulls it from his haversack and accidently touches it because the clothe fell off. R feels great. 
Sheila's eyes go wide! "Why don't we go into the parlour." We agree (bringing our drinks with us). 
"In order to be sure that the item is authentic I'll need an Ioun stone to test it.' She returns with a scarlet stone (same as Ashen's). 
"If the stone is based on he same magic I think, then the recipient will feel prideful."
As an example, she pulls out a compass with an emerald Ioun stone melded within. It points north in any condition or finds things (a la Cap't Jack) and it can glow as a torch. She believes the Ioun stone would do the same to the item - bond the  stone to the item. 
We've found a miracle apparently (there have been a few in the area). A powerful Thassilon artefact... The shard of pride. "I bet Rupert knows all about it as a matter of fact." 
Rupert and Ashen rack their memories to remember something about the shard. Rupert knows that the same guys who made the swards of sin also made a seven pointed star made up of seven shards- each shard was then separated to hide them. Ashen doesn't know anything.
T is suspicious and senses she is carefully choosing her words but seems authentic. 
Rupert is also suspicious about Sheila's theory of combining the stone to the item (shard?). He does detect magic on ioun stone and the stone appears to be what it is. Rupert tentatively goes to combine the stone and item when Taarn objects. "This thing touching this thing does what again?" 
Mersit asks if we get paid unless the stone thing is done to prove it is the real deal.  
<Rupert is thinking god-like thoughts - why do I need these losers?> Rupert has a look of mania on his face and recoils at touching the objects together.
T suddenly looks to lunge at Rupert for not dropping the item. T senses that Sheila was trying to manipulate Rupert into placing the item. 

  • M: Leaps up on a table and tries to disarm Rupert but the wizard casts a force shield which prevents anything or anyone from touching him. 
  • T: gets up pulling a portable hole but everyone warns him not to use it on the wizard because of R's handy haversack. He then pulls out his axe. 
  • Sheila: "I can't get through that thing". She prepares a counterspell. 
  • A: Tries to dispel magic and is successful in getting rid of the force shield. 
  • D: Spell of Joy! 
  • M: leaps back on the table and successfully disarms R. The shard drops to the ground - Rupert is aghast. 
  • T: Rages and fleet charges to grapple R - success then applies grapple non-lethal damage as he pins Rupert. 
  • R: Dimension Doors away with Taarn attached to somewhere outside the manor - they shunt for some damage from a church steeple. (Sheila's counterspell had failed)
  • A: drops the Ioun stone onto the shard and it changes to a coppery colour. At the same time, Rupert recovers his senses (we think). 
  • T: continues his grappling and non-lethal damage to Rupert... Just in case. He is successful in knocking out R.  

Taarn carries R back to the manor over his shoulder. 
The shard is now safe to pick up - Ashen picks it up and hands it over to Sheila. The stone neutralizes the shard's madness. 
We get our 1000 gp. 

Sheila will give us info. 

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March 10th, 2019

Session Notes from February and March 2019 Session Notes (by Aaron) ...