March 10th, 2019

Session Notes from February and March 2019

Session Notes (by Aaron)


  • Mersit Of The Raging Tree, catfolk swashbuckler/rogue ..... Aaron Collins
  • Taarn, kellid barbarian ..... Mick Hodorek
  • Ashen, elf bladebound magus ..... Mike Horrigan
  • Rupert Silvermoon, elf evoker wizard ..... Jonathan Hood
  • Arthas, assimar freedom paladin ..... Alex Nuttall
  • Tirana, chelaxian enchanter wizard ..... NPC

Continuing The Saga

Recap: We lick our wounds post-hydra.

Out of earshot, Mersit, Taarn, and Rupert discuss Tirana's geas and how to know when it's "over". Rupert can detect magic to hopefully know immediately when it's over. Arthas reminds us that he has been using detect evil on her constantly and her evil level has been diminishing.

Arthas heals up Taarn in the meantime—bring the barbarian back up to speed. Rupert asks for the 'wand of acid arrow' but Tirana convinces him to let her keep it… "Just in case."

We continue south around the bend which goes back north (more difficult terrain). It appears we are moving deeper in the ground as well. It winds westward for awhile. After around 3 hours, we figure we're under the Lady's Lagoon.

Solifugid Nest

“The intersection of four tunnels forms a sizable cave here. The domed ceiling rises to a height of twenty feet, while near the center of this cave stands a monument made of polished black basalt, seven-sided with the same great rune carved on each face. The top portion of the monument has broken away, revealing what appears to be a hollow space within in the shape of a female figure. An astounding number of strange albino insectoid creatures, each the size of a man's finger, scuttle and scurry along the walls.”

We finally come to a sizable cave with a domed ceiling—polished monument— 7-sided basalt base with a 7' statue of a voluptuous female standing atop. The top third—from top of the right thigh to the top of the left shoulder—is sheared off revealing a hollow section within the statue. Albino spiders cover the walls—The Trogs said that the frogs have a repellent for the mama versions of these baby versions. Mersit perceives and suddenly also notices a bigger version on the ceiling.solifugid

Mersit sneaks back and tells the others about the room and the spiders. We decide fuck it and all go back to attack—allowing Rupert to let loose with a fireball... Which he does. Everything near the pillar were fried—the big ones were not happy... We also hear laughter?

Mersit pulls out 'wand of lightning'.


  • ROUND 1Rupert: Delays; AS03: moves away; Mersit: uses 'wand of lightning' to zap AS04 who drops down dead to the ground. Then he moves up to the pillar to see behind it—revealing more spiders; Taarn: moves up to the right of the pillar…As he moves by he sees the figure of a female "demon"—Avelexi! In the hollow who addresses the barbarian. (we hear this in our heads) "Hello again dear... You should be helping me." Taarn rolls low on Will after being subjected to a charm monster spell…"Are you with me?" Taarn acknowledges that he is but would like to take care of the spiders first and she agrees… But he can't reach any so he jumps on the pillar base waiting for a target; AS02: drops down on Taarn, who immediately uses a rage power to attack first who explodes; Ashen: "Who just said that… What's going on?" (he can't see her). He moves up to the pillar and readies a spell.

  • Avalexi
  • ROUND 2Rupert: He moves up and challenges the demon in 'Abysmal' "Show yourself!"… She replies: "Oh sweetie, so good to hear you again. I've been waiting a long time for you." Then Rupert throws a force missile at AS03; Arthas: Moves up and uses detect evil on Avalexi; AS01: Drops down on Mersit but misses; Avelexi: Drops out of the hollow onto the pillar and fires mythic scorching rays at Mersit who gets nicely roasted; Tirana: moves up; AS03: moves away; Mersit: Uses 'full round action' to target the Demon and make her drop her weapon but he misses! Curses! He moves back; Taarn: "Would you mind terribly restraining your wizard friend? He seems quite the bother at the moment!" says Avalexi… Taarn drops his axe and goes to grapple Rupert who does an immediate force sphere to protect himself; Ashen: Moves forward to try to hit the Demon but misses

  • ROUND 3Rupert: Casts shield; Arthas: "Holy Mother of Graves is she evil! I'm sending 'You' back to the Abyss bitch!", activates smite; Tirana: uses wild arcana and casts hold monster but Avalexi's spell resistance makes it fizzle; AS01: Moves to bite and misses; Avelexi: after seeing Taarn atop the force sphere says "Oh big boy... Can you take care of that pesky female for me?" meaning Tirana, then Avalexi bursts into flames after casting fire shield and teleports away; AS03: gone; Mersit: fleet charges and misses... Then misses on two other attacks!; Taarn: Moves to Tirana and tries a grapple her…success!; Ashen: Moves to Avelexi to attack and *just* tags her with frigid touch but the spell fizzles due to SR. He hurts her a little but he takes a lot of fire damage from her fire shield!

  • ROUND 4Rupert: Tries dispel magic on the charm on Taarn—He succeeds! Tirana asks Taarn "Would you mind letting me go now?" To which Taarn grumbles "If I have to! Go get my Axe!" Rupert uses arcane surge to lightning bolt the demon, but it fizzles on her SR; Arthas: misses; Tirana: Released from Taarn—goes to get Taarn's axe; AS01: leaves; Avelaxi: teleports out and drops a mythic fireball… damaging most in the party (Mersit evades); Mersit: Activates haste from his Shard then fleet charges in for some nice damage (takes fire damage); Taarn: Grabs axe from Tirana—fleet charges in getting a nice hit as well (takes fire damage)…



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March 10th, 2019

Session Notes from February and March 2019 Session Notes (by Aaron) ...